Morning Moves
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These classes get you rolling with a combination of movement, breath, stretching, body weight exercises and a heavy dose of Pilates. Class is intended for individuals with an established movement practice and are more fitness paced. Suggested props include a yoga blanket, two cans of food or small handweights, a larger weighted object you can hold in one hand, yoga block or stable stack of books and a yoga strap or belt.
Evening Organization
These medium paced classes focus on Pilates-based organization centered around a weekly theme or body part. Some experience with Pilates or yoga is recommended. Suggested props include a yoga blanket, yoga block or stack of books, yoga strap or belt. 1hr
Good form and intelligent decision making are essential for all of my classes. This slower paced class is intended to teach you how to gain strength and awareness safely. This class is appropriate for all but please let me know before class if you are recovering from an injury, have a pre-existing condition or have recently had a baby :). 1hr
Foam Roller Friday
This open level restorative class uses the foam roller (and sometimes a ball!) to bring you back into good form at the end of the week! 1hr